Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013


Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013 -  I think you already know about emotions on chatt facebook, if you want to have some collection facebook emotion you can type the code under the picture and post it. enjoy the emotions..
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
You are the cutest..
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
I love you this much
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
Love 3D Facebook Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
You are the love of my life
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
Bandaged heart
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
You are beautiful
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
Cool love design for facebook
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
Affected love
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
I Need You
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Love You
I Love You
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Facebook Chat Code For I Love You Emoticon
I Love You with glittery hearts
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
Miss You
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Stabbed Heart - Big Emoticon For Facebook
Nailed heart
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013
"Be mine" Teddy
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
♥‿♥◙‿◙●‿●^( '‿' )^^‿^❀‿❀乂◜◬◝乂
{◕ ◡ ◕}(。◕‿◕。)┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘◃┆◉◡◉┆▷(▰˘◡˘▰)
< (^^,) >q(❂‿❂)p<【☯】‿【☯】>|◔◡◉|⊂◉‿◉つ


מּ_מּלּ_לּטּ_טּಸ_ಸಠ,ಥ໖_໖Ծ_Ծಠ_ಠ⇎_⇎●_●~̯~◔̯◔ᇂ_ᇂأ ̯ أ
(╥﹏╥)( ´_⊃`)(►.◄)(ு८ு)v(ಥ ̯ ಥ)v(ಠ_ರೃ)(◕︵◕)

Cute Face

✿◕ ‿ ◕✿❀◕ ‿ ◕❀(✿◠‿◠)(◕‿◕✿)(。◕‿◕。)

unsure, confused

◐.̃◐*-*◑.◑^( '-' )^ఠ_ఠ◔_◔◔_◔◔_◔
ಠ~ಠರ_ರ{•̃̾_•̃̾}【•】_【•】v( ‘.’ )v

mad emoticons

».«>.<⇎_⇎॓_॔〴⋋_⋌〵‷̗ↂ凸ↂ‴̖̿ ̿̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\=(•̪●)=/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿


surprised faces


Others Emoticons

(`・ω・´)흫_흫இ_இ(゚ヮ゚)⋋_⋌ಠ益ಠ(• ε •)
\˚ㄥ˚\┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘(●´ω`●)(◜௰◝)१|˚–˚|५〠_〠१✌˚◡˚✌५
(>‘o’)>^( '-' )^<('o'<)v( ‘.’ )v<(' .' )><('.'<)(० ्०)
¯\(©¿©) /¯◤(¬‿¬)◥(∪ ◡ ∪)(*^ -^*)(●*∩_∩*●)
ᇂﮌᇂ)⊂◉‿◉つ☜-(ΘLΘ)-☞щ(゚Д゚щ)(\/) (°,,°) (\/)
(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿””

(^⊆^)(⌒_⌒)( ̄ー ̄)(^O^)(゚▽^*)(^ー^)(⌒o⌒)
\(○^ω^○)/(ミ ̄ー ̄ミ)ヘ( ̄▽ ̄*)ノ\(^。^ )
ヽ(^◇^*)/ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ\( ̄▽ ̄;)/ヾ( ~▽~)ツ♪ヽ(´▽`)ノ
ヾ(〃^∇^)ノヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
v(=∩_∩=)フ\(*^▽^*)/ヾ| ̄ー ̄|ノヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ
(*^U^)人(≧V≦*)/\(▽ ̄\( ̄▽ ̄)/ ̄▽)/
♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ♪\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/
\( ̄ー\)(/ー ̄)/ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)(ノ⌒∇)ノ
♪└|∵|┐♪└|∵|┘♪┌|∵|┘♪♪└|∵┌|└| ∵ |┘|┐∵|┘
┏(^0^)┛┗(^0^) ┓┌|_ _|┘♪└|-.-|┐♪┌|^.^|┘♪
♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆♪┌|゜з゜|┘└|゜ε゜|┐┌|゜э゜|┘

Thanks for reading Lets Chat With Best Collections Facebook Emotions 2013 I hope it can help you.

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